

Third-party integrations can be updated at any time. For efficiency, the LLM-based platform may cache the intents.json file and only update it when necessary. This is where versioning comes into play.

Relevant Fields

  1. schema: The schema version of the intents.json. For version 1, it should be set to v1.
  2. version: The version of the intents.json. This should be a string in semantic versioning format.

Instructions for Intent Providers

  1. Update the version field whenever you update the intents.json.
  2. Update the schema field whenever you change the schema of the intents.json.
  3. Deploy the intents.json as a static file, similar to how files are served on a CDN. This approach makes it easier to detect changes using response headers like ETag and Last-Modified, allowing LLM-based platforms to cache it using standard static file logic.

Instructions for LLM-based Platforms

  1. Check the version field and update the cache if the version has changed.
  2. Check the schema field and validate the intents.json against the corresponding schema.
  3. Cache the intents.json and follow standard caching logic as you would for a normal static file.